Nadya Shubina's Gallery
русский main | about the artist | painting | graphic | sketches | batik | replicas | 3ds max | library | photo | links
Site Map
Practical pieces of advice.
About texture of oil painting.
Mixing of paints. Main features and characteristics of colors.
Working on the landscape.
Oils, varnishes and thinners for oil painting. Covering picture with varnish.
Batik. Technics and technology:
1. The batik history.
2. The most important.
3. Fabrics. A stretcher.
4. Paints. Recipes.
5. Cold batik.
6. Hot batik.
7. Free painting.
8. Nodul batik.
Home Contact is Site map
Picture "Favourite" N. Shubina's works:
oil painting
, graphics,
, batik,
replicas of Old Masters' works,
3ds max models,
example "Boat".
The "Library" section contains art criticism articles
(in Russian):

- Problems of the Decorative Form Creation.
- Filonov. Life. Creativity.
- Compositional Form in Art.
- Taras Shevchenko - Painter.
- Feodor Stepanovich Rokotov. Life and Creativity.
- A. Bogomazov. Theoretical Works.
Art directions:
- Modernism. Humanism. Expressionism.
Painting theory:
- Basic Types of the Form Modelling.
- Light and Color, Color Contrast.
- Space of Sezann (About a System of Linear and Perceptional Prospects).
- Composition.
Artist N. Subina
Photographer: A. Ershov.
Computer design: N. Shubina.


Materials of this site can not be reproduced completely or partially in any form without preliminary written consent of the author.
All rights reserved by N. Shubina (c) 2006 - 2010
Website desined by T. Shubina